Dismissal Locations 2024-2025
Arrival Time
Arrival Location
Dismissal Time
Dismissal Location
Doors Open at 7:50 a.m.
Pre-K Entrance (Rear Building)
205th Street
2:10 pm
Pre-K Exit (Rear of Building)
205th Street
Exit 5
Doors Open
at 7:45 a.m.
Main Entrance 205th/Clearview Service Rd
Kindergarten 2:15 pm
Pre-K Exit (Rear of Building)
205th Street
Exit 5
Grade 1
1st Grade
2:15 pm
Dismissed through door on the corner of
33rd Ave and 205th Street
Exit 2
Grade 2
2nd Grade
2:15 pm
Dismissed through main door on the corner of 33rd Ave and Clearview Expressway
Exit 1
Grade 3
2:15 p.m.
3-305 & 3-307
Dismissed through main door on the corner of 33rd Ave and Clearview Expressway
Exit 1
3-309 & 2/3-320
Dismissed through door on the corner of
33rd Ave and 205th Street
Exit 2
Grade 4
2:15 p.m.
Dismiss through the back/side gate on the Clearview Expressway (close to the playground)
Parents please wait outside of the fence area on the sidewalk.
Exit 3
Grade 5
2:15 p.m.
Pre-K Exit (Rear of Building)
205th Street
Exit 5