Cell Phone Policy
PLEASE NOTE: PS 159 and school personnel are not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken cell phones, I-Watch, V-Tech, Fitbit, portable music, entertainment systems or any similar device. Students who bring these items assume all risks. Students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to school: cell phones. Students who ride the NYC School Bus with a commute time over 30 minutes are permitted to bring the following electronic devices: portable music and entertainment systems, such as iPods, MP3 players, PSP, and Nintendo DS. The use of cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems at school is subject to the following restrictions:
Cell phones and/or I-Watch type devices may not be turned on or used during the school day, while waiting for the bus or during after-school programs held on the school premises. This ban includes the use of cell phones for photography or recording purposes.
Cell phones must remain turned off and stored in student backpacks during the school day, while waiting for the bus or during after-school programs held on the school premise.
Cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test or examination.
Cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used during school fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises.
Cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems may not be used in school bathrooms, hallways, cafeteria, auditorium, and/or during outdoor recess. Students who use cell phones, in violation of any provision of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, and/or DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (IAUSP) will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code. Cell phones may be used as set forth below: Cell phones may be used during instructional time for educational purposes with the explicit approval of the teacher. Portable music and entertainment systems may be used as set forth below: Students who ride the NYC School Bus for over 30 minutes commute time are permitted to use portable music and entertainment systems, such as iPods, MP3 players, PSP, and Nintendo DS during their commute with permission from the bus driver. Confiscation and return of cell phones Students who use their cell phones during the school day, while waiting for the bus or during after-school programs held on the school premise will meet with the following disciplinary consequences:
First Infraction - Confiscation of cell phone by teacher or school personnel. Cell phone will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The cell phone will be returned to the student at end of school day.
Second Infraction - Confiscation of cell phone by teacher or school personnel. Cell phone will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The cell phone will be returned to a parent/guardian at end of school day.
Third Infraction - Confiscation of cell phone by teacher or school personnel. Cell phone will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The cell phone will be returned to a parent/guardian at end of school day. There will be a revocation of cell phone privilege for student for a period of one month. Student will receive in-school disciplinary consequence according to the New York City Discipline Code. Consequences may include a removal from class by the teacher or a Principal’s Suspension. Confiscation and return of electronic items (other than cell phones): Students who bring electronic devices to school or to after school will meet with the following disciplinary consequences:
First Infraction - Confiscation of electronic device by teacher or school personnel. Electronic device will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The electronic device will be returned to the student at end of school day.
Second Infraction - Confiscation of electronic device by teacher or school personnel. Electronic device will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The electronic device will be returned to a parent/guardian at end of school day.
Third Infraction - Confiscation of electronic device by teacher or school personnel. Electronic device will be sent to the Principal’s office. Parents/guardians will be notified by the Principal or school personnel. The electronic device will be returned to a parent at end of school day. Student will receive in-school disciplinary consequence according to the New York City Discipline Code. Consequences may include a removal from class by the teacher or a Principal’s Suspension.
The only exceptions from these rules are students who ride the NYC School Bus with commute times over 30 minutes. These students will be permitted to bring electronic devices to school, however, these devices must remain turned off and stored in student backpacks during the school day, while waiting for the bus or during after-school programs held on the school premise. Students who violate this rule will be held to the same confiscation and disciplinary consequences outlined above.